Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Every かいようび、6じから10じまで、I have the class 日本のCinema: 1970sまで。キの we watched 溝口の「 祇園の姉妹」。I loved this movie!!! It really showed the awful predicament of women of 日本 around the 1930s.

 これはopeningの 「祇園の姉妹」:
Sisters of Gion

I am so tired! わたしはまいあさ8じにおきます。まいにち2じから5じからはたらきます!
きのうべんきょしませんでした、えーと、I need to study tonight!!!

I am a little bit nervous about the midterm. :( I hope we all do well! I am going to study very hard! がんばってみんなさん!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

English Introduction!

I chose to study Japanese because I have always been enamored by the language and culture--clearly I was one of those children raised on manga and anime. Although that part of my life sort of passed before I got to college, I remain extremely interested in Japanese cinema, Shinto, and of course, Japanese cuisine! I felt like learning Japanese would be fun, challenging, and a way to appeal to my inner child. I am excited to learn more about how the language itself interacts with the customs of the country.

After two weeks of classes I am just exhausted. I have a work-study at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, and between that, class, and the various clubs I am in, sleep is being put on the back burner. Perhaps I will catch up on some zzz's this weekend (or maybe I'll just study Japanese). =]


みなさんは, どうぞよろしくおねがいします!